About Michael Ashbee

“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” Twyla Tharp


From an early age Michael was surrounded by the presence of art. This included oil paintings, watercolours, drawings… you name it. His mother and aunt were wonderful artists, and they had a profound influence on his interest in this world. Being raised in this environment, Michael quickly realized he had a respect and talent for art himself. This led him to drawing and woodworking, and then on to ceramics, photography, and painting in acrylics and watercolours.

He pursued art in college, attending Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), Sheridan College, and Humber College  enjoying every moment.

Michael’s animation teacher at Sheridan College worked on the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs film in the 1930s. He retold many stories of that time in his life. One story, is that Walt Disney demanded all of the animators to draw each of the dwarfs in the same way. This sense of devotion and attention to detail has stuck with Michael through all of his artistic and professional endeavours.

In school, Michael would often skip bookmaking class to go the woodworking shop. He ended up with a C in bookmaking, but got an A+ in woodworking. His love of this craft has led him to designing and building unique cedar strip canoes and kayaks.

In 1988, Michael and his wife Donna made the big move from the Toronto area to the lovely and picturesque Muskoka. In the early 90s, he started a log and timber frame company, designing and building many custom homes in Muskoka and the surrounding areas. Life went on, raising two wonderful children, passing on his love for the arts to both. During this time, his passion never wavered.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” — Pablo Picasso

For the past few years Michael has been perfecting his skills in pencil drawing and is now taking on commissioned work.

If you’re interested in a commissioned drawing, Michael would be delighted to provide a quote.